Graduating a New Class of Dumpster Residents

We are pleased to have hosted five intrepid educators in our Dumpster home over the spring and summer. Educators working with any grade level or type of educational organization are invited to stay in the Dumpster through our Home School Residency Program. During the residency period, educators stay in the Dumpster home for one night …

Thinkering with Dumpster Science

The Dumpster Project was excited to bring Dumpster Science experiences to Thinkery campers for a second summer. The Thinkery, Austin’s interactive children’s museum, runs a series of themed summer day camps for K-5th graders. Campers investigate subjects like water and the human body using the Thinkery’s trademark blend of science and play. The Hydroexplorers and …

Solving All of the Problems, Dumpster Style

High school students in Skillpoint Alliance’s Velocity program applied problem-based learning to create Dumpster Project-inspired solutions. Skillpoint’s Velocity program provides hands-on training to STEM students who tackle real-world problems for their business or nonprofit clients. Students form consulting “companies” who research and design their client’s projects, complete a business and financial plan, and prototype or …

Educator-in-Residence #1: Betty Jenkins

Note from The Dumpster Project: Betty Jenkins is the Principal of Blackshear Fine Arts Academy in Austin, TX. Born in Los Angeles and raised in both Chicago and El Paso, she has held both teaching and administrative positions her in the AISD for nearly two decades. The Dumpster Project has been working closely with Blackshear Elementary for …

Live Dumpster weather – the data is coming from inside the can!

One of the main goals of Phase II is establishing a information baseline. We need to collect data about every aspect of Dumpster life so we have a basis for comparison when we move to the Ultimate Phase III Dumpster. The first suite of sensors are tracking the Dumpster conditions – Dumpster weather.  We launched this …

Dumpster passes 6 months and moves to Phase II

Air conditioning in a 36 sq. ft. dumpster, part of a sustainability experiment on the Huston-Tillotson University campus, has arrived just in time for the August Texas heat. Phase II of the experiment will include a connection to the electrical grid, household appliances, and most amenities found in a modern home. Phase I, which launched …

Top 10 Dumpster Moments You Won’t Forget: The Two Month Edition

Well folks, time has flown and we can hardly believe it ourselves, but the dumpster has already celebrated its two month birthday as the world’s trashiest mini-home. A lot has happened since Professor Dumpster moved in on February 4th. There have been highs (a top-notch Ford Foundation prize) and lows (a dumpster flooding incident), but …

Tweet some Trash!

The real trash talking is going down on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so check us out: IG: @ProfDumpster Twitter: @ProfDumpster FB: