We need your help. The Dumpster Project is a collaborative effort on many levels and we can’t do it alone. There is no doubt that we are an ambitious bunch. We’re transforming a dirty, used dumpster into a state-of-the art home and we’re developing groundbreaking curricula to help the next generation of students apply their math and science education to real-world settings. Plus, we want to make it fun! Take a look around the site for more information on the project.
Just click on the Give Now button below and you’ll be transferred to a secure PayPal payment page (no PayPal account required). To pay by Credit Card just click “continue” on the bottom left near the credit card logos.
Thank you!
We appreciate each and every donation and send our thanks for your support.
We give enormous thanks to and proudly present our partners and sponsors:

We welcome support from diverse partners. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring the Dumpster Project, please email us at Your sponsorship will support our on-going education and creative programs, as well as drive engaging conversation on sustainability that serves to inspire.
*The Dumpster Project is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN: 90-0994747. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.